An Alternative to Bank CDs
Question: John, I am 55 years old and have a $12,000.00 CD at the bank that is paying less than 1% a year in interest. I do not need the money until I retire at 66. Do you have any options that could provide a better interest rate? from David G. in Monroe, NC
Answer: Over the last ten years banks reducing their interest rates on CDs, checking and savings accounts to less than 1% has become a common occurrence. During this time life insurance companies have been providing people with an option that is becoming very popular. There are many advantages to include Index Annuities in your portfolio. An Index Annuity is a vehicle that will provide an investor with safety of principal, the ability to defer taxes each year on the interest that is earned, a bonus ranging from 5-12% on your initial deposit, the ability to withdraw a percentage of the value if an emergency occurs, most will provide multi-year guarantees and much more. Please contact our firm for additional information.
Click here learn more from John CasaSanta.
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