Randy Floyd |
March 25, 2015 |
Annuity Basics, Fixed Annuities, Hybrid Annuities, Index Annuities, MYGA, Variable Annuities
For most people, the word “annuity” might as well be a four-letter word. When I talk about them in my practice, I find that there is a very negative connotation associated with them. Yet most people’s understanding of annuities is very limited at best. So, I wanted to take some time to explain what they are and go over some of the different kinds of annuities. I think most people will realize that they are not quite the monster they have been made out to...
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Jeff Juniper |
February 19, 2015 |
Annuity Basics, Annuity Caps, Annuity Fees, Hybrid Annuities, Income Riders, Index Annuities, Variable Annuities
Annuities have been around for almost 2000 years and the public’s understanding of how they work is at an all-time low. “I Hate Annuities and So Should You” is what one investment firm says in their full page ads from coast to coast. Why do they spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on those ads? The answer is to attract attention because there is so much confusion about how these products work. What they don’t tell you in those ads is that there are good...
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Stan The Annuity Man |
April 25, 2013 |
Ask Stan The Annuity Man, Hybrid Annuities, Member Posts
Question: Stan, I have met and talked to a few agents to see if an annuity is right for me and they all keep using the word “HYBRID” to explain their recommendation. Is a hybrid annuity new? Jim from North Carolina Answer: Thanks for a very timely question, Jim. I recently addressed this “hybrid hype” issue in my weekly MarketWatch.com column (click here). I encourage you to take a look. The short answer to your question is NO. The word hybrid associated with the word...
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