Could A Stock Market Correction Affect Your 401-K And Destroy Your Financial Future?

Written By: Nina Avery, CFP ® | Avery Safe Money Solutions
Sound overly dramatic? Maybe not, if your retirement is overly reliant on market driven investments like a 401-k. It’s not like the old days when companies handled the risk and responsibility of generating a lifetime retirement income by providing pensions for their employees. Those days are pretty much gone. The risk and responsibility for your retirement falls directly and completely on you and a market crash could indeed destroy or greatly disable your financial future.
But there is hope. Whether you are the business owner or the account holder, you can turn your 401-k plan or other retirement account into a pension and protect yourself from market downturns.
We all know the stock market can be a great way to build retirement wealth, until it crashes. The trouble with that strategy is that we don’t know when these crashes or corrections will occur. Statistics show that they occur about every 5 to 7 years.
If that cycle happens to coincide with your retirement what do you do? Keep working and hope it will come back? Are you really willing to “give back” any part of your retirement savings to a fickle market cycle? Why would you invest a single dollar in a plan that cannot guarantee to at least give back the original $1 investment?
- Does your current 401-k or other retirement plan guarantee that you will at least receive back your original investment?
- Does it guarantee a specific minimum rate of growth?
- When you start withdrawing money from your current 401-k or other retirement plan is there a guarantee that you will receive a guaranteed amount of income for the rest of your life?
- Does your current plan allow you to receive only the up turns in the stock market and skip the down years?
If you cannot answer yes to any of those questions, I have to ask… Why are you giving them so much of your money?
You may have been sold ideas about investing for retirement that only tell half the story. You can protect yourself and have all those things with an index annuity.
You may have heard that annuities are bad. They are only bad if you don’t want or need principal protection, guaranteed growth and guaranteed lifetime income. They are only bad if you don’t want to capture just the up years in the market and not be affected by the down years. They are investments for the long term – what retirement investing is supposed to be.
You owe it to yourself to have all the facts. Qualified Safe Money Advisors specialize in educating you and helping you create the safest and most profitable retirement possible. Before you buy into the market hype, please explore the wonderful and satisfying benefits of owning an index annuity as part of your retirement portfolio.
For more information and to learn how you as an employee or a business owner can protect and guarantee your 401-k or current retirement plan, call 407.367.8845 or email for a free consultation.
About Nina K Avery, CFP ® and Avery Safe Money Solutions:
Restoring confidence with Safe Money Solutions to help everyone create secure retirement incomes they can count on for the rest of their lives. Nina K Avery, Certified Financial Planner ™professional, is gaining recognition in and around central Florida for being a Qualified Safe Money Advisor, Financial Literacy Coach & Guaranteed Retirement Income Expert. With all of the economic turmoil in the markets, the country and around the world, it’s more important than ever to understand how to keep your wealth safe and secure…but also growing.
Nina’s mission is first to educate and restore confidence. Using Safe Money Solutions, she then helps her clients create GUARANTEED retirement incomes for life. She also helps her clients avoid losing money and instead build wealth SAFELY and SECURELY. Regardless of your current financial situation, Nina can help you get on the Path to Safe Money and sleep well at night.
About Annuity123: Created to ensure that individuals across America have access to an assortment of educational material about annuities in addition to an unprecedented network of retirement counselors to seek out for obtaining personalized retirement income planning help.
Well said and informative.
Thanks for the compliment. I wish you the best. – Nina
Very Well said.
Thanks so much. Wishing you the best – Nina
Great article! Very informative.
Thank you. All the best, Nina
On point! Very timely considering higher highs, how quickly '08 and past corrections are forgotten!
Thank you Audrey 🙂 Much love, Nina
Becareful taking advice from anyone, banks and investment firms will lie to keep you from withdrawing your money when things are bad. Banks and investment firms only look out for themselves.