Should an Annuity Ever Be Placed in an IRA?
When does it make sense to put an annuity inside of an IRA (Individual Retirement Account)? This is a frequent question and the answer lies in what you are wanting to accomplish with your particular investment. We all know that annuities are tax-deferred and so are IRAs. So, is an investor paying for tax-deferral unnecessarily when utilizing an annuity inside a qualified plan? In this video, Rob Brinkman explores this question and gives some answers to when it does and doesn’t make sense to put an annuity inside of an IRA.
This video will explain the dynamics of both fixed annuities (including fixed indexed annuities) and variable annuities in regards to having them inside of an IRA. As both of these types of annuities are priced differently, have different dividend structures, and have different death taxes, the answer to this video’s question can be different among different types of annuities.
To learn more from this annuity professional, click here (Rob Brinkman).
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