Survey Results: 72% of Non-Retired Baby Boomers Believe They Will Have to Delay Their Retirement

A recent AARP survey has revealed that almost three in four non-retired baby boomers believe that they will have to delay their retirement. Their survey of 1,852 registered voters found that non-retired 50-64 year olds (baby boomers) were very concerned about their financial health. The findings revealed that 72% believed that they would have to delay their retirement. Even more concerning, the survey showed that 50% of the non-retired baby boomers have little confidence that they will ever be able to retire.
Given the anxiety revealed in this survey, we certainly hope that these individuals who are concerned about their retirement are reviewing all of their options… especially offerings from the insurance industry. Although insurance products are not the magical answer to everybody’s needs, they can certainly play a vital role in many consumers’ retirement plans. It is shocking how many individuals are unaware of many valuable offerings from the insurance industry. If you are one who falls into the little to no awareness of retirement products from the insurance industry, then please make an effort to educate yourself by with a trusted retirement income specialist. If you are one of the 14% who are aware, then please do your friends and family a favor and inform them of their options.
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