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Survey Results: Investors Trust Financial Advisors More Than Primary Doctor or Accountant

Retirement EducationFinancial advisors topped the list of trusted professionals in a recent survey published by John Hancock Financial. The survey was conducted by an independent research firm, Mathew Greenwald & Associates, who polled over 1,000 investors with household income of at least $100,000 and investible assets of at least $200,000 this April.

The results showed that financial advisors had the highest top score of “trust strongly” among a list of professionals including primary doctors, accountants, contractors/handymen, bosses, and real estate agents. Financial advisors received the “trust strongly” rating 84% of the time, closely followed by primary doctors (79%), and accountants (74%). Being knowledgeable and timely about products and trends, giving disclosure on advisor is compensated, and quickly answering questions were the top attributes given towards financial advisors in this survey.

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