Top 9 Reasons to Purchase an Annuity

Written by Leonard Ohanian L.U.T.C.F
In today’s world, one of the most important things to know and understand is why. The following are the top 10 reasons why it is important for many retirees and pre retirees to purchase fixed annuities
1-Tax Deferred Growth: The interest earned is not taxed until it is touched. Your funds grow Tax deferred
2- Safety: Fixed Annuities are free from the risk of loss and the volatility of the stock market. They can be a guaranteed and safe investment available. It is important to work with top rated companies as their solvency is the only risk. Also ratings are readily available online or through companies such as AM Best and Standard and Poor’s
3- Avoid Probate: Annuities transfer to a beneficiary without the need for probate or delay
4- Income One of the biggest fears and worries that Americans have is outliving their income. At any point an annuity can change from a savings mechanism to an income mechanism. An annuity can provide an income stream that cannot be outlived and can last a lifetime
5- Interest is usually available for income anytime after the first thirty days of the deposit
6- Death benefit: Your beneficiary may receives the full account value from the annuity immediately (without delay) with some insurance companies
7- Fees: Contrary to popular belief and opinion, there are no contract fees, unless an optional rider is elected.
8- Comparison: The interest rates on annuities are usually higher than bank CDS or other fully guaranteed products
9- Access: You have access to 10% of your funds on a yearly basis (after the first year)
With being said I have one question that I can pose to you – What are you waiting for????
About Leonard Ohanian: I specialize in wealth transfer and wealth preservation. With over 23 years in my profession, I have helped clients from all walks of life to save thousands of dollars by helping them to protect their assets from debt, taxes and the volatility of financial markets. In addition I have given them peace of mind by providing them a lifetime income which cannot be outlived as well as securing them a tax free retirement and by placing millions of dollars in life insurance protection. Call 248-345-8889 today for a free consultation!!!