Stock Market Meltdown Prediction |
July 8, 2013 |
The Global Economy, The United States Economy
Would your retirement dreams change if the stock market suddenly lost 50% of its value? I think we can all agree that this kind of stock market collapse would be devastating to our country. Let’s hope this doesn’t happen again, but we all need to be mindful that it is possible and it is essential to know how to protect your family from financial turmoil… education is key. Check out the eye-opening video by clicking here (stock market meltdown) or on the icon below. Annuity123...
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An Age-Old Investor’s Dilemma |
May 30, 2013 |
Allen Trimble, Member Posts, The United States Economy
Written By: Allen Trimble | Secure Money Solutions With the stock market at all-time highs, an age-old “investors dilemma” is on many folks’ minds: should I Buy, Sell, or Hold on? Of course, the answer to that question depends not only upon your current position relative to the stock market (are you currently invested in the stock market?) but also on your unique situation. This missive is not intended to give investment advice, but rather it is intended to help clarify our thinking. For example,...
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Evolution of the American Retirement and Family |
May 29, 2013 |
The United States Economy
As we all know, retirement planning has gone through several big shifts during the past ~50 years. One of the more significant changes has been from companies shifting away from pension plans (defined benefit plans) to 401ks (defined contribution plans). This change is essentially a shift in company’s responsibility of ensuring adequate lifetime income for its employees onto the shoulders of the employees themselves… many of which have no clue how to properly plan for a retirement that could last over 30 years. This shift...
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Protecting Against Uncertainty |
May 1, 2013 |
Cal Burgess, Member Posts, Retirement Planning, The United States Economy
Written By: Cal Burgess | Retirement Servicing Group This morning I took my son to a local diner for breakfast. During the meal I couldn’t help notice the couple to the booth in front of me discussing how to protect a lump sum of money. This couple was in their mid 30s, with a 3 yr old they were busily entertaining. The option they were discussing was a 5 year CD. I found it interesting that the husband made the remark “5 years from now...
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Why a $7.2 Billion Loss from the USPS This Year is Not a Concern |
March 21, 2013 |
Cal Burgess, Member Posts, The United States Economy
Written By: Cal Burgess | Retirement Servicing Group Just recently, the Federal Reserve System announced that first-quarter losses from the United States Postal Service stood at 1.8 billion dollars. At this rate, the USPS is on track to cost American taxpayers over $7.2 billion by the end of the fourth quarter. To put this into perspective, this amount is equivalent to a $20 million dollar loss per day, with no hope of any profit for quite some time, if at all. At first glance this...
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A Suggestion to Help End Corruption |
December 27, 2012 |
Cal Burgess, Member Posts, The United States Economy
Written By: Cal Burgess | Retirement Servicing Group Over the last few years, time and time again, the true nature of Wall Street’s corruption has been in the spotlight. The result has been billions of dollars in losses, fines to the perpetrators, and in some cases, a prison sentence. Unfortunately, the end result is the same: Wall Street adamantly opposes any type of regulation needed to protect the nation from another financial collapse. Attempts to regulate the securities sector is often misunderstood as a deterrent...
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Survey Results: Advisors Look to Tax-Deferred Products to Offset Risk of Fiscal Cliff |
December 13, 2012 |
Retirement Planning, The United States Economy
A new survey by Jefferson National reveals that 8 in 10 fee-based advisors say that a offering tax-deferred growth would benefit clients as Congress considers higher taxes. Warren Hersch posted a summary of the report (linked here) that highlights some interesting findings from the survey. For instance, 75% of registered investment advisors (RIAs) report that their clients are anxious about the impact of the ominous fiscal cliff. Their clients’ primary concern is the likelihood of rising taxes. Also, a majority of RIAs report that their...
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Protecting Against the Federal Stimulus |
December 7, 2012 |
Cal Burgess, Member Posts, Retirement Planning, The United States Economy
Written By: Cal Burgess | Retirement Servicing Group My predictions in May of this year were correct when I said that the federal stimulus would continue and volatility would be the norm. In September of this year the Federal Reserve announced Quantitative Easement III (QEIII), which was designed to keep pace with Mario Draghi and the ongoing Euro crisis; promising continuous monthly injections of $85 trillion in order to protect our nation from an economic collapse. There is no way to know how long this...
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The Looming Fiscal Cliff |
November 29, 2012 |
Cathy DeWitt Dunn, Index Annuities, Member Posts, Retirement Planning, The United States Economy
Written By: Cathy DeWitt Dunn | President of Annuity Watch USA The Looming Fiscal Cliff – What can you do to protect your retirement nest egg? The financial world is buzzing about the looming “fiscal cliff.” The term, in-and-of-itself, strikes fear into the hearts of many Americans. What is the “fiscal cliff” and what can you do to protect your retirement nest egg? The “fiscal cliff” describes the precarious situation that the United States government will find itself in after December 31, 2012 – the...
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