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Member Posts

Should I Take A Lump Sum Or The Annuity Payments?

Stan The Annuity Man

Question: I’m leaving my current job and have been given a couple of options concerning my retirement plan there.  Should I take the lump sum and move on, or should I take the annuity payment? Eric G. from Fullerton, California Answer: Great question Eric, and one that does not have a perfect “one size fits all” answer.  First of all, when you leave an employer, sometimes they offer you a lump sum option that you can transfer to a personal IRA to manage however you...

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Annuity Surrender Charges Explained

John L. Olsen

Surrender charges are imposed by most, but not all, Deferred Annuities (Immediate Annuities generally impose no surrender charges because most Immediate Annuities cannot be surrendered for cash). It is vitally important that prospective buyers fully understand the impact of these charges on the Deferred Annuity’s cash surrender value, when they’re imposed, and when they’re waived. Some critics of annuities assert that surrender charges are wholly unattractive, that they always work to the buyer’s disadvantage. This is neither accurate nor fair. Let’s look, now, at how...

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Truth About Income Riders On Fixed Index And Variable Annuities

Rob Brinkman

One of the most popular new benefits of both variable and fixed indexed annuities is setting guaranteed income amounts with the use of Income Riders. Many of these riders offer contractual guaranteed income benefits of 6%, 7%, 8%, and even 10% in some instances. Sadly, the majority of consumers either have not understood (or were misled) how these income riders actually work. These riders, when sold correctly for the ideal client, are one of the most powerful retirement benefits in the country. However, if you...

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What Is A Secondary Market Annuity?

Stan The Annuity Man

Question: What is a secondary market annuity?  Also, where and how can I buy them if I’m interested? from Jess in Brookfield, Wisconsin Answer: Excellent question about a very small (but growing) niche market within the annuity world.  As you know, there’s a secondary market for just about every product on the planet, and that includes annuities.  If you are shopping for higher yield and higher payments, then this might be a product type that you want to explore because yields can be 2% higher...

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Safe Money Alternatives To The Market

Stan The Annuity Man

Provided By: The Annuity Guys If you are having nightmares or restless nights about the volatility of the stock markets, it may be time to examine your own asset allocations.  Fortunately, you have many options to choose from…the challenge is learning about your various options. Watch as the Annuity Guys reflect on some of the safe money alternatives available to those individuals who want or need to get out of the market. Note: You can either click on the video picture below or click here...

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Annuities: Don’t Buy The Hype!

Stan The Annuity Man

Written By: Bakul Modi in North Carolina Annuities and Annuity Agents have a bad reputation. In some cases it is well deserved. There are agents who do a poor job of explaining the features, limitations and costs associated with annuities. Let’s examine some of the reasons why you shouldn’t buy annuities: Lack of Liquidity: True – Annuities have this limitation. If you wish to withdraw your funds prior to age 59.5, you will likely be subject to early withdrawal penalties, taxes and fees. Keep in...

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Before You Let Your Deferred Annuity Be Owned By or Payable to a Trust…Read This

John L. Olsen

If you own, or are considering buying, a deferred annuity and are thinking of having a trust own or be the beneficiary of that annuity, you need to be aware of the tax consequences. In this article, we’ll examine those consequences. But before we start, we need to be clear on two things: First, the author is not an attorney and is not giving you tax or legal advice. You should consult your legal advisor for that. Second, the tax treatment describe here applies only...

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What Is The Difference Between A Traditional Fixed Annuity & A “MYGA”?

Stan The Annuity Man

Question: I’ve been trying to do some research on fixed rate products, and want to know the difference between a Traditional Fixed Annuity and a MYGA annuity.  What is the difference, if any? from Robert in Chicago, Illinois Answer: Good question Robert, and yes there are distinct differences between Traditional Fixed Annuities and MYGA (Multi Year Guarantee Annuities) annuities or sometimes called fixed rate annuities.  Let take a closer look at both from an excerpt from my book, The Annuity Stanifesto. Traditional Fixed Annuity Traditional...

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The “Shutdown” and Our Retirement Assets

Anton Hendler

So the latest ‘shutdown’ has happened and fortunately has finally gone away.  What does mean to us and how will it or potential future shutdowns affect your investments and your retirement plan going forward?  We have had calls from concerned clients wanting to know if their ‘money’ is safe. The short answer, in our opinion, is that it depends on the following:  Where your investments are held  What you think will happen to the markets Firstly, most of our clients are invested in Fixed Index...

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Is There An Annuity That Works Like A CD?

Stan The Annuity Man

Question: Every agent I meet with tries to sell me a variable annuity or indexed annuity.  All I really want is a fixed rate guarantee.  Is there an annuity that actually works like a CD? from Bill in Matthews, North Carolina Answer: Yes Bill, there is an annuity structure that functions like a CD.  That type of annuity in the industry is referred to as a MYGA.  MYGA stands for Multi Year Guarantee Annuity, but it is also appropriately referred to as a Fixed Rate Annuity. ...

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